Roofing Contractor Serving Nebraska and Western Iowa
Asphalt shingles are the leading choice for roofing for a good reason. They offer versatility, design variety, cost-effective quality, energy efficiency, and much more. If you are looking to replace your roof, it will be worth your while to consider the benefits of asphalt shingles. The roof over your head is the most important part of your home and, as far as function goes, there is no service that matches Red Rhino asphalt roofing.
There are 3 types of asphalt shingles:
1. 3-tab
They get their name from 3 tabs on each shingle strip and they lay flat.
2. Luxury or Premium shingles
Larger than the other shingles and they resemble slate in appearance.
3. Dimensional
These provide a good looking random pattern or simulate the look of a wood shake roof.
Each of the three types of asphalt shingles has a specified lifespan from its manufacturer. The team at Red Rhino Roofs provides high-quality asphalt roof installation, replacement, and repairs. With our excellent customer service, superior workmanship, and experience that is rare in the asphalt roofing industry, you will never worry about your roof again.
Asphalt shingles can cover many different angles, shapes, and forms. That means that they work with almost any type of roof, from cross-hipped to Dutch gable. No matter how large or complicated your roof is, you can trust that asphalt shingles will cover it all seamlessly. There are slope requirements, as there is a minimum slope for asphalt roofing.
Asphalt shingles are available in a range of rich architectural styles. 3-tab shingles are traditional and work with many home styles. Dimensional and premium shingles are also available in multiple styles. In fact, some mimic the look of other roofing materials, like slate and cedar shakes. This way, you can get the design advantages of these materials without their drawbacks.
Asphalt shingles are simple to install, which helps keep their installed cost low. Of course, some roofing professionals may do a better installation job than others. That being said, it will typically be easier to find a roofer who can install your asphalt shingles than one who can deal with tile roofing or slate roofing.
Perhaps the top advantage of asphalt shingles over other roofing materials is that they still offer high performance for a lower cost. Asphalt shingles are the most cost-effective roofing materials upfront, and they still last long enough to provide the most value over the long term. Those who need more weather, fire, or wind resistance can find those features in performance shingles, without incurring too much extra cost.
You can purchase specially designed asphalt shingles in light, medium and dark tones that reflect a higher amount of the sun’s infrared radiation, thereby reducing the temperature of the roof surface. In large metropolitan areas, if the majority of roofs are shingled with these ‘cool’ shingles, the temperature in the city can run a degree or two lower on hot sunny days. This in turn may allow residents to use less energy to cool their homes.
Some asphalt shingles feature the highest fire rating, Class A. When installed as part of a complete roof system, they offer superior protection against penetration and spread of fire in the case of external fire hazards.
Just as every roofer can install roofing shingles, every roofer can repair roofing shingles. Often when you choose a unique material, from metal roofing to tile, you’ll struggle to find a roofing professional who can do the repairs. You may even need to work with the same company that installed your roof to get repairs for a proprietary metal roof. The benefit of asphalt roofs is that you can choose a new roofer for repairs anytime.
Asphalt shingles are the time-tested choice homeowners in North American have been relying on for a long time. That comes with a lot of advantages. Your local building code already addresses shingle roofs. Home buyers know what to expect from a shingle roof. Plus, shingle manufacturers have had a lot of time to refine their products to offer the features that homeowners find valuable.
Though in the past shingles went straight to the landfill, shingle waste can now be recycled. After your roofer removes your old shingles, they can send the debris to be re-purposed into other products, including into a recycled asphalt used to make and repair roads. According to the Asphalt Roofing Manufacturer’s Association, recycled roofing shingles may actually improve the quality of a road. Old shingles may also be used to generate power.
Asphalt shingles are available in a huge range of colors. If you need to preserve your home’s curb appeal or improve it before a sale, you need to be able to pick the right shade of roofing material that can work with the rest of your home. The wide selection of asphalt shingle colors available makes that possible. Other roofing materials just don’t offer as many colors.
Industry-vetted, manufacturer-certified, and reviewed by independent 3rd parties. Builders, architects, and project managers trust us. Homeowners love us.
Our commitment and dedication to quality are the driving force behind our success. In order to provide the best service possible, we provide the best installers available. We go the extra length to ensure that everyone that touches your home is properly trained, certified, drug-screened, background-checked, and is provided continual education. That education and training ensure that we are always up-to-date on the latest roofing installation techniques, processes, and roofing products.